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Eriskay Whisky Galore Golf Club

Hosted by Tain Golf Club

Handicaps and CDH

The Club now administers our own handicaps for those of our Members (both Ladies and Gents) who have designated Eriskay their Home Club. This ties in with both the Central Database of Handicaps now being operated by the Scottish Golf Union on behalf of affiliated Clubs such as ourselves and with the HowdidIdo website.

Important Note for Members

I imagine most Members will be aware that their handicap is managed only be their designated Home club. But if you play in handicap qualifying rounds with other clubs, you need to read the next paragraph.

Eriskay Golf Club will be responsible for managing all aspects of your handicap. But please note that, if you play a handicap qualifying competition at another Club, it is your responsibility to ensure your score is reported to us. In many cases, this is now done automatically by the Club who is hosting the competition. In a few cases, some clubs might even notify us by post of your score. But in some cases, due to errors and oversights, your score may not be reported to us, or there may be a considerable delay. That could mean you play off a wrong handicap, which would result in disqualification from a competition - so please make sure you check your handicap regularly (via your Howdidido account is an ideal way of doing so).

For Eriskay Members who have designated another club as their Home club - our handicapping software automatically updates the SGU/SLGA's Central Database of Handicaps after each competition so your scores should always be reflected in your handicap. But again we do stress, it is your responsibility to check the correct handicap has been applied during a competition! 
